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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: Kim Thomas (rendering backwards)
From: robert.cohen@njland.com (ROBERT COHEN)
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Date: Fri, 16 Jun 95 18:13:00 -0500
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If you are laying the PC frames directly to the PAR, things should work
out fine. The only thing to watch for is... when you flip frames which
have been field rendered, they don't work out due to the fact that the
fields are suggesting "forward" motion. Now since I have NOT rendered
anything backwards to date, I can't say if rendering the scene backwards
in field mode will offer you any similar probelems (as the scene is not
being flipped, just the rendering order), but my "guess" would be NO.
Good luck... Let us know how you made out, as many others will soon be
doin the same thing.....
robert.cohen@njland.com (ROBERT COHEN) sent this message.
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